The data presented on this page was developed through significant studies executed by the Americans for the Arts over a number of years. This data is reported and discussed in the Arts & Economic Prosperity III Report (2007). A summary of the report (24 pgs) or the full report (300 pgs) can be downloaded from the Americans for the Arts website at
NDEO's summary of key points from the report are provided below.
Economic Impact of the Nonprofit Arts and Culture Industry
Nationally, the nonprofit arts and culture industry generates $166.2 billion in economic activity every year -- $63.1 billion in spending by organizations and an additional $103.1 billion in event-related spending by their audiences. The impact of this activity is significant, supporting 5.7 million U.S. jobs and generating $29.6 billion in government revenue.
Economic Impact of the Nonprofit Arts & Culture Industry
(expenditures by organizations and audiences)
Total Expenditures |
$ 166.2 billion
Full-Time Equivalent Jobs |
5.7 million
Resident Household Income |
$ 104.2 billion
Local Government Revenue |
$ 7.9 billion |
State Government Revenue |
$ 9.1 billion |
Federal Income Tax Revenue |
$ 12.6 billion |
Growth of the Nonprofit Arts and Culture Industry
Nationally, the nonprofit arts and culture industry grew from $134 billion to $166.2 billion between 2002 and 2005, a 24% increase. Spending by organizations increased from $53.2 billion in 2000 to $63.1 billion in 2005, almost a 19% increase. Spending on arts and culture events increased from $80.8 billion in 2000 to $103.1 billion in 2005, a 28% increase.
Growth of the Nonprofit Arts & Culture Industry
(expenditure by organizations and audiences)
Organizations' Expenditures
Audience Expenditures
$ 631.1 billion |
$ 103.1 billion |
$ 53.2 billion |
$ 80.8 billion |
$ 36.8 billion |
Contributions to the Business Community
Nationally, the nonprofit arts and culture sector contribute to the business community as employers, producers, consumers, and members of chambers of commerce. As a business themselves, nonprofit arts and culture organizations contribute to cities and regions through marketing and promotion. Nationally, in 2005, spending by the arts and culture sector was estimated at $63.1 billion which supported 2.6 million U.S. jobs and provided $57.3 billion in household income and generated $13.2 billion in total government revenue.