How to Search

DELRdi is a dance education discipline specific resource that cites thousands of documents, that can quickly answer a specific dance education practitioner's question OR provide sources for developing extensive research projects and bibliographies.
The DELRdi search interface offers multiple ways to find information with cross-tabulation:
- Document Type; Institution; Journal; Publisher; and Special Collections
- Education Issues; Populations Served; Areas of Service; Research Methods; and Research Techniques.
There are 3 pathways to SEARCH:
View Full Citation Details / Full Text where available
- Path 1 - Logged in with a username and password as an NDEO Member from this webpage
- Path 2 - Using a computer at a college or university that has a current DELRdi Library License
Summary View of Documents / No Citation Details or Full Text
- Path 3 - As someone who landed on the DELRdi webpage but is not accounted for in the two bullet points above
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DELRdi Functionality Illustrated by 4 Sample Searches
To introduce you to DELRdi's search capability, we offer 4 sample searches presented as Question, Suggested Search, and Result. (Note: Results cited in this document reflect what was available on February 12, 2023 when this document was prepared.) Over time, the number of results change as documents are continuously entered to DELRdi.
Search 1 Question: Does dance education exist in Iran?
Suggested Search: Type "Iran" in "General Search" field at top of DELRdi Search Page; click "Search" at bottom of page.
Results: 7 documents cited. To search each document, click "View" in upper right corner of citation.
When finished with search, click "Return to Previous Page" at the bottom of the Document Citation Page, and upon returning to the Search Page, click "Reset" at the bottom of that page.
Search 2 Question: Can I review M.A. thesis topics for the past five years?
Suggested Search: On left side of Search Page, select "Thesis" on "Document Type" drop- down; then on Search Page type 2017 in "Start Year" field and type 2022 in "Finish Year" field. Click "Search" at bottom of page.
Results: 98 documents are available to scan.
Search 2A Question: Can I find which theses are quasi experimental?
Suggested Search: Add to the existing #2 search, "Quasi Experimental" from the "Research Methods" drop-down on the right side of the Search Page. Click "Search" again.
Results: There are now 17 documents to review.
When finished with that search, click "Return to Previous Page" at the bottom of the Document Citation Page, and upon returning to the Search Page, click "Reset" at the bottom of the page.
Search 3 Question: How many articles by Martha Eddy regarding somatics are cited?
Suggested Search: Type "Eddy" in the "Author" field on left side of Search Page; select "Somatics" from the "Areas of Service" drop-down on the right side of the Search Page. Click "Search"
Results: There are 19.
When finished with that search, click "Return to Previous Page" at the bottom of the Document Citation Page, and upon returning to the Search Page, click "Reset" at the bottom of the page.
Search 4 Question: Can I find ideas to teach math to my students using dance?
Suggested Search: Type "math" in "General Search" field at the top of page; select "Pedagogy" from "Services to Field" drop-down on right side of page; from "Populations Served" drop-down select "K-4" and "5-8". Then select "Or" when you are asked "And" or "Or". Click "Search".
Results: 26.
NOTE: If you had selected "And" instead of "Or" on Population Served, you would have received 9 results. In general, "And" searches always find fewer results than "Or" searches. When finished with that search, click "Return to Previous Page" at the bottom of the Document Citation Page, and upon returning to the Search Page, click "Reset" at the bottom of the page.
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Remember to receive full benefits of searching DELRdi, take time to examine each of the available search criteria so you understand how they might interact with one another.
These include the drop-down options on the left side of the page: Document Type; Institution; Journal; Publisher; Special Collections, and on the right side of the page: Education Issues; Populations Served; Areas of Service; Research Methods; and Research Techniques.
There are two "?" widgets, one at the top of the search interface and another at the top of each Citation Page. You can check those for answers to specific questions that arise.
For questions and assistance with search: