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NDEO Board of Directors


The National Dance Education Organization (NDEO) is a membership driven organization. Members have a strong voice in its work and governance. NDEO's Board of Directors is a working board and requires expertise in specific roles that are integral to NDEO leadership, infrastructure, and long-term stability. The NDEO governance consists of a Policy Board of Directors and an Advisory Board of Directors. 

View 2021 Board Nominations and Vote here.

Deadline to Vote is 11-1-21

The Policy Board of Directors provides leadership and assumes responsibilities for establishing and implementing duties relevant to policy-making, financial matters, and legislative issues. The Policy Board consists of: the officers of President, Secretary, Treasurer, and either President Elect or Past President; 6 policy board members; and the Executive Director. All policy board members have voting rights. Each Policy Board member acts as a liaison to an Advisory Board position.

The Advisory Board of Directors provides leadership and assumes responsibilities in specific areas of expertise. Elected Advisory Directorships include: Awards; E-Communications; National Honor Society for Dance Arts; Research;  Member Engagement; State Affiliates; Student Initiatives and 2 student liaisons (Undergraduate and Graduate). Appointed and Liaison Advisory Directorships include: Advocacy; Standards, Curriculum, and Assessment; Registry of Dance Educators (RDE); and the Editors of Journal of Dance Education and Dance Education in Practice. Each Advisory Board of Director works with a committee of volunteer members who assist in carrying out the duties of that position. Committee work provides additional opportunities to serve NDEO and the field while also providing training for future leaders. 

NDEO is for the members, by the members and of the members. Our members’ expertise and dedication invests in the future of dance education.